Thursday, December 15, 2011

Michigan Gun Laws/Questions?

1. I read somewhere that 18 year olds can buy handguns for nonCPL use obviously, from private sales with only a purchase permit, no FFL. Has anyone done this and/or care to explain?

2. What would be the process of transferring the title of the shotgun that my mom bought me into my name when I turn 18 here soon?

3. Lastly, can anyone throw out names of used gun shops in and around southeastern Michigan? Websites that list private sales based in this region would be helpful too.

Thanks everybody!|||1: This is false. You can legally own a handgun, but only if it was a gift from a family member. You still must go to the local police department and ask for a "license to purchase," and fill it out and return it within 10 days. It cannot be a sale, it must be a gift.

2: There is no such thing as a title for a long gun in Michigan. If its yours, its yours.

3: One of the best is Jerry's guns in Rochester. If you're looking for a private sale, the best place to go would be the Birch Run Gun Show, which is coming up.

edit: The paperwork filled out for purchase is the BATFE form 4473. It is required by federal law for an FFL transfer, and contains the info used when the dealer calls in the NICS check. It is not however any sort of registration. The dealer will keep a copy of it in his files, and will only surrender it to a law enforcement officer upon request for a legitimate investigation. It is not (supposedly) contained in any central registration system. Your mother can simply hand you the gun and tell you its yours; and that's all that's legally required.|||1. Don't know

2. There is no title to a shotgun. Our fair state does not require registering long guns.

3. I've been away from metro Detroit too long to know all the players in the gun market, but check the gun and knife shows at the Gibraltar Trade Centers. You could also try Leroy's Guns in Fenton, if that's still in business.

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