Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is everything still Bush's fault? Is anything Obama's fault yet after 222 days in office?

Will anything be Obama's fault after 4 years?

What about after 8 years?

If the next president is a Republican will blame miraculously transfer from Bush to that poor schmuck?

If the next president is a democrat will Bush be to blame throughout his term in office too?

Did Bush pick out the cheap White house souvenir shop gift Obama to gave to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown?

Did Bush kick Obama in the shins and punch him in the solar plexus to make him bow to Saudi King Abdullah, or was he cleaning the floor?

Did Bush use subliminal suggestion to get Obama to say “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”?

Oh heck, let's just make a list. Is Bush at fault for:

1. Most expensive inauguration. Ever.

2. Appointing tax cheat Tim Geithner.

3. Appointing under investigation Bill Richardson.

4. Appointing tax cheat Tom Daschle.

5. Appointing Marc Rich and terrorist pardoning Eric “Nation of Cowards” Holder.

6. Appointing Janet “Man Caused Disasters” Napolitano.

7. Appointing Hilda Solis (OK, her husband has the tax liens).

8. Appointing anti-Semitic Charles Freeman Jr.

9. Appointing tax cheat Ron Kirk.

10. Appointing fund-raising cheat Gary Locke.

11. Appointing under investigation Adolfo Carrion.

12. Bumping his head on the Marine One helicopter.

13. Banning offshore oil again.

14. Funding abortions overseas.

15. Using the word “crisis” 25 times in a speech, then later complaining that people are too negative about the economy.

16. Letting Nancy Pelosi write the $787 billion “stimulus’ plan.

17. Relying on Tim Geithner to explain it.

18. Putting Joe Biden in charge of making sure the stimulus money is not — wink, wink, nudge, nudge — misspent.

19. Setting the Oval Office thermostat at 80.

20. Going to a press conference without a TelePrompTer. I… Uhh… Umm… Could you repeat the question?

21. Using a TelePrompTer at a press conference. Big boys don’t need training wheels.

22. Opening a press conference with: “Good evening, everybody. Please be seated. Before I take your questions tonight, I’d like to speak briefly.” 1,228 words later he took his first question.

23. Ethics waivers.

24. Going after Rush Limbaugh.

25. Going after Rick Santelli.

26. Going after Jim Cramer.

27. Trying to run the Census out of the White House.

28. Adopting the motto: “Never waste a good crisis.”

29. Writing a love letter to Vlad and Dmitry.

30. Throwing Poland under the bus.

31. Throwing Tibet under the bus.

32. Throwing Israel under the bus.

33. Taking Cuba out from under the bus.

34. Ticking off Switzerland by having his tax cheat go after the tax cheats in Switzerland. Cognitive dissonance.

35. Saying: “Karzai has a bunker mentality.”

36. Reaching out to the Taliban.

37. Iran has plans to Marine One helicopters.

38. Explaining his refusal to work with Republicans with the words: “I won.”

39. Having a BlackBerry that can easily be hacked by the Chinese.

40. Saying to the people of Peoria: “If Congress passes our plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off.” CEO: No. There will be more layoffs.

41. He gave a gift to the “wrong region” to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

42. Making the president of Brazil change his meeting so O’Bama could celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

43. Telling the American people: “You can’t take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime.” Vegas convention bookings nosedive.

44. Serving $100-a-pound wagyu — on the taxpayers’ dime.

45. Sending a “reset” button to Russia, presumably to diss the last 70 years of America standing up to communism.

46. Having the “reset” button say “overcharged.”

47. Taking a 4-day holiday weekend before signing “emergency” legislation.

48. Stiffing Chicago for nearly $2 million for that Election Night party.

49. Telling Caroline Kennedy she would, you know, make, um a good, you know, senator.

50. Bombing Pakistan.

51. Sending the bust of Sir Winston Churchill back to the British.

52. Telling reporters privately: “President Obama has accomplished more in 30 days than any president in modern history.”

53. Walking into a White House window thinking it was a door.

54. Signing an order that doctors must perform abortions, in violation of the Hippocratic Oath.

55. Signing earmarks while denouncing them.

56. Adding signing statements while denouncing them.

57. Quadrupling the deficits, while denouncing them.

58. Considering having the VA charge veterans for service-related injuries.

59. Thanking himself in a Teleprompter malfunction.

60. Banning pilots from carrying guns on airplanes.

61. Trade war with Mexico over 97 trucks.

62. Saying his bowling is “like the Special Olympics.”

63. Saying he didn’t know the AIG bonuses were included in the bailout package he signed.

64. Banning the press from covering his acceptance of a press association award.|||Excellent work, go to the head of the class!|||Excellent question. Here's your star. Libs jump from Republican president to Republican president with the blame game. It was all Reagan's fault before George H.W. Then blame miraculously skipped right past Clinton's EIGHT years onto George W. Same old boring double standard.|||in the libs fantasy land everything is bush's fault and forever will be..|||Yes, No|||You think that's long, you should see the Bush list.

lol!|||thats long list|||Nice rant, but I don't think its about blame; It's about Bush taking responsibility for his 8yrs in office and what was left when he left office.|||Telling the American people they need to be quiet (shut up) and get out of the way.

NOT telling Nasty Pelosi she was wrong to say we are un-

American for showing up to townhall meetings to voice our opposition.|||Yeah, but how do you really feel ? ( smile )

You made one mis-statement in your 2nd sentence. He will not be around in 8 years.

Ever notice how the liberal ex-presidents love to bash the sitting president, especially if he is a republican ? Jimmy Carter and Slick Willie Clinton have no trouble doing that, ignoring the time-honored tradition of former presidents just retiring to their homes/ranches and staying out of politics, like Reagan, Bush '41 and GW have done. Has anyone heard George Bush '43 ever say one word against Barack Hussein Obama since he left office 7 months ago ? A class act.

Instead, BHO has never missed an opportunity to denigrate GW, blaming him for everything, including global warming. This BHO is nothing but a socialist, glib-tounged, swaggering airhead. A one term wonder for sure, - even his zombie-like liberal worshipers will have wised up to him by 2012. But then again, they are liberals, so that is not a given.|||Some people need to be tortured, oh, you mean water boarded.

Not nearly as bad as having you head chopped off. If GITMO is a torture chamber, most islamists would love that kind of torture.

Yes, our troops are off the streets in Iraq and the bombings have not stopped since our Dear Leader ordered this great tactical move.

The stimulus package was little more than payback to political cronies, unions, special interest groups and of course ACORN. It was payback and vote buying, nothing more than that.

The Dow Jones Industrial closed at 9,505 today, considerably lower than it was when Americans realized that Obama would be elected President. In October 2008 the DJIA was over 14,000 yet you are so blind you say it is up? Those investors left the stock market with their money because they KNEW what was coming when Obama was elected.

You are clearly living in another world. There are will never be any tax cuts from Obama as he is simply spending too much money. The only people who will make out tax wise are those who don't work, they will be paid "tax refunds" despite having no income. Redistribution of wealth is another way to buy votes with taxpayer money.

Obama deserves credit only for running a slick campaign and buying off the press. He is pushing this country back towards the right.|||Well of course the Messiah can't do anything wrong. lol

Pretty sad that he's only been in office now for 7 months and and has done all that already.|||Nothing is ever Obama's fault. If he spent all the time he bitches and moans and cries and complains about "inheriting" into "solving" we might get out of this mess.|||Thanks to President Obama 95% of Americans got a tax break, we no longer torture people and Bush torture chamber has been ordered closed. Our troops are off the streets in Iraq and on their way home. The Stimulus package saved our economy from a second depression and our stock market is up. So yes we give President Obama credit where credit is due.|||This is a short list too. Well, no worries - three more years or so and we get rid of this frickin' idiot and put adults back in charge of the government. Obama is quickly losing the support of critical demographics essential to his reelection in 2012 - LOL!|||Yes, in answer to your question, everything is still Bush's fault.

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